Programme des JNIL 2023
- Fabrication of twisted bilayer photonic (...) - Lydie Ferrier
- Nano-Imprint Lithography : Alignment (...) - Jérôme Rêche
- Nanoimprint lithography and hybrid (...) - Isabel Rodríguez
- Surface modifications of oxides (...) - Yann Chevolot
- Texturation et fonctionnalisation (...) - Yves Jourlin
- Scatterometry for the measurement (...) - Yoann Blancquaert
- Filling the gap of silicon nitride (...) - Maximilien Billet
- Study of the transfer of a biosourced (...) - Jean-Louis Leclercq
- study of nano printing in a biomaterial (...) - Jean-Baptiste Doucet
- Bioinspired photonics for tomorrow’s (...) - Sebastien R. Mouchet